C) Khaki/Green Caption Numerals

Price: $3.89
unlimited available
Item Number: BSN-CAPT-CENT
Minimum order quantity on numerals
is now only 25 pieces!
(Discounts kick in at 50 pieces.)

For questions about possibilities like special colors, special sizes, or availability, email here:

Ask a Question!


Excellent quantity discounts on the numerals start at only 50 pieces.
Please allow 21-25 days to ship
Boy Scout Troop Numerals,boy scout numerals,unit numerals
There are
no minimums on the ballcaps!
Ballcaps ship in two business days!

Celebrate the details of your
troop with this excellent layout!

Depending on the length of your text, the dimensions of these patches are typically sized as follows (approximate):

1 or 2 numerals:  2.0" tall X 1.6" wide
       3 numerals:  2.0" tall X 2.6" wide
       4 numerals:  2.0" tall X 3.3" wide

The bottom panel is approximately 0.4" tall.
Up to 23 characters work well in this format
(including spaces and punctuation)

Please note that this new khaki/green layout uses a very narrow number "1".  If your troop has one or more "1's" in the number, the chances are good that your patch could be a bit narrower than the measures listed above for it to look balanced.

If you have strict requirements for the dimensions of the patch, please let us know the sizes you desire and we will comply. Some troops may be replacing very wide patches and they want these to cover stitch marks on the sleeve. Please dictate the finished dimensions of your patch if you have these kinds of concerns.

Important note regarding In-Hand Dates:
Since these items are made to your order, please be reasonable in your desired and drop-dead in-hand dates.

Typical turnaround for these items is 21 - 25 days.
We can try to bump you up a week or so when you ask, but we cannot guarantee that we will make your dates given current workloads. If you are in a critical situation, please make sure to email us with your requirements.
Fanciwork and Patchtown.com are independent companies
providing scouting collectibles since 1996.

We are not affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America®, the Girl Scouts of the USA or
the World Organization of Scout Movements.

Patchtown assumes no knowledge, rights, or responsibilities for
any organization's uniform requirements or standards.

THE FINE PRINT:  Fanciwork and Patchtown.com reserve the right to refuse to put on a patch anything that may be construed to be offensive. You will be notified via email or phone if we request different text to be included.  (We are very pleased to say that this hasn't happened yet!)


* denotes required field

Enter Troop/Pack/Crew Numerals*
Enter text for LOWER panel*
Specify color/style for text panel*
Desired in hand date
(allow 21 days minimum)
Drop dead in hand date. We will do
everything we can to meet or beat this date.
Sorry, no guarantees.
Special instructions, if any [Email Questions]
200 characters remaining

Quantity Discounts

50 to 99$3.19
100 to 199$2.80
200 to 299$2.41
300 to 1000$2.20

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Please allow 21-25 days to ship.
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Please allow 21-25 days to ship.

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Please allow 21-25 days to ship.

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Please allow 21-25 days to ship.

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Minimum is just 25 pieces!
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Please allow 21-25 days to ship.

Email Questions
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